California State Parks and Parks California recently hosted a literacy event to celebrate a StoryWalk installation with Carmen Bogan. During the afternoon, children listened to Carmen read her book, enjoyed a scavenger hunt and interacted with local community partners San Francisco Public Library, California Academy of Sciences, and Tree Frog Treks. The event was attended by families from nearby elementary school Bret Harte and local residents.
Virgil, a resident of Bayview and regular park visitor mentioned, “When I was growing up, we never had events like a StoryWalk or the library come out to the park. It’s nice to see that it’s being done for the youth now.”
Parks California community engagement efforts bring state park values and offer many benefits for the community and the park itself through these community events.

Young people, in particular, experience a number of benefits from literacy initiatives in park settings, like this urban park –the first to open in California. Literacy in parks not only promotes education, improves literacy skills and builds emotional bonds amongst families, reading outdoors stimulates the senses. This multisensory experience can enhance cognitive development and memory retention, deepen connections with nature, and boost creativity and imagination while in a natural environment.

Through education, engagement, and community collaboration, Parks California and its partners are creating lively outdoor spaces that inspire, educate, and empower generations to come. Tasha’s Voice StoryWalk will be on display until the end of October for parkgoers to foster a deeper connection with nature, learning, and exploration. Join with families and friends over the next few months to take the walk and enjoy a new story.
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